Sunday, January 25, 2009

President Obama

My wife and were among the millions who watched the inauguration via live video stream on the Web. We never watch television and were unable to figure out how to get a broadcast signal on our new TV; but the set was hooked up to Stacey's laptop and we picked up a great stream from MSNBC. I was working from home that day, but admittedly didn't get much done for a couple hours during the height of the festivities. (Don't worry, I did work several hours into the evening to make up for the lost time.)

The enormity of the crowds was amazing, even as viewed on a TV screen. It was a great moment for my country, a chance to regain some of the reputation that we had in our best years--and possibly even to better live up to that reputation than we did then.

Since that historic day, the words have sounded like music every time I have heard them in the media: President Obama. It represents the passing of the torch to a new generation, my generation, a generation that, as a whole, has experienced a broader world than even the boomers that preceded us. Howe and Strauss call us the Thirteenth Generation and define birth years 1961 to 1981. As a whole, we're a generation that has experienced complexity to a degree that our forbears have not.

Mr. Obama represents our generation well. Far more Thirteeners have multi-ethnic backgrounds, blended families, and a history of living in multiple, diverse locations than any preceding generation. Most of the people I work with at a large technology company are Thirteeners, and they are a diverse bunch.

It's a generation that wants to move beyond partisan politics, yet has a definite progressive philosophy on human rights, warfare, the economy, and poverty. We favor civil unions for the LGBT community, and the Millennials (born after 1982) are starting to pull our generation in the direction of favoring gay marriage.

The Millennials and Thirteeners cheered the loudest when President Obama issued his first executive orders:
  • Closing Guantanamo Bay and banning torture, with the explanation that our values and our safety cannot be put at cross purposes.
  • Championing disclosure and open government and restricting the influence of lobbyists, with the warning that secrecy for secrecy's sake will not be tolerated.
  • Drawing up plans to end the senseless, expensive, and oppressive war in Iraq, ending a boondoggle that extremely conservative estimates show 90,000 lives lost and almost $600 billion spent (not counting interest and ongoing costs of reprovisioning, medical care, and rebuilding--which will bring the cost to several trillion dollars).
I won't agree with everything Obama does, but his spiritual presence will be a welcome change from a decidedly unspiritual administration that has left office. Religious, yes, but not spiritual. That's another characteristic of my generation: we tend to count spirituality as more important than religion. Not too different from another reformer in another era, Jesus of Nazareth.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Tax Cuts or Spending Increases?

Given the economic situation that the Bush administration has left for president-elect Obama, everyone agrees that stimulus is needed. Congress has already passed the $700 billion bailout of the financial services industry, and we have gotten zero benefit from that so far because the administration has treated it as a corporate handout program rather than a stimulus program for the country. Thankfully, the last $350 billion or so from that program will be spent and monitored by the Obama administration, and I still have some hope that taxpayers will be made whole for that program through the equity and repayment mechanisms that congress inserted.

The next stimulus, as structured by the Obama administration, is divided between middle-class tax cuts and increased spending on infrastructure. I heavily lean toward the Keynesian model over the much-hyped economic theory of Milton Friedman, which still holds sway among conservatives and some moderates.

The Keynesian model was used in FDR's response to the Great Depression--which had been underway for three years when he took office. Keynes, however, would have advocated much more aggressive goverment action than Roosevelt tried, and he would not have slashed the programs so soon. (After four years of very good economic growth, Roosevelt slashed programs in 1937, triggering another recession.)

FDR's response to the Great Depression was largely successful, despite an enormous effort by conservatives to discredit it for the past 75 years. The conservative narrative--which has been largely adopted by the corporate media and has been taught as fact in public schools for 30 years--is that FDR's policies resulted in 13 years of stagnant growth and that it was World War II that pulled us out of the Depression. The fact is that GDP skyrocketed and unemployment steadily declined under Roosevelt--with a small blip in 1937 when he departed from the Keynesian model. Here is a chart of GDP:

Unemployment was a tougher nut to crack, arguably because FDR was less aggressive than he could have been during his first term at job-creation programs. In the wake of the 1937 downturn, he dramatically increased WPA funding, which finally began to break the unemployment cycle. I would argue that the institution of the minimum wage in 1938 was anothe factor in the reduction in unemployment. As seen in the following unemployment figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, FDR's administration realized a 14-point reduction in the unemployment rate prior to the beginning of World War II:

  • 1923-29: 3.3%

  • 1930: 8.9%

  • 1931: 15.9%

  • 1932: 23.6%

  • 1933: 24.9% (FDR's first year in office)

  • 1934: 21.7%

  • 1935: 20.1%

  • 1936: 17.0%

  • 1937: 14.3%

  • 1938: 19.0%

  • 1939: 17.2%

  • 1940: 14.6%

  • 1941: 9.9% (last year before U.S. entry in WW II)

I would make note, by the way, that the Johnson administration changed the way that the unemployment rate is measured, removing those who had given up looking for a job and those who were in part-time work when they needed full-time work. By that measure, the December 2008 unemployment rate is 13.5 percent (you can calculate this at the BLS website by selecting the U-6 category). So we're getting close to 1931 levels, as would be expected in year two of an extreme economic downturn. Fortunately, we have a sane administration entering office now, rather than two years from now.

Anyway, back to the stimulus. By any measure, tax cuts on the wealthy provide the least stimulus of any expenditure of a government dollar. Fortunately, Obama is not proposing any of these. Middle-class tax cuts result in less stimulus than infrastructure spending, because consumers use a large portion of their tax cuts for savings and/or debt reduction from consumption already done. That said, low- and middle-income consumers are in need for cash for the above purposes now, and this can bring good long-term strength if done with proper balance.

I would argue, with Pelosi and others in the Congress and against Obama's preliminary proposal, that the Bush tax cuts on the wealthy be repealed immediately, rather than being allowed to expire in 1-2 years. History has shown us that higher taxes on the wealthy results in sustained economic growth (for instance, in the late 1930s, 1950s, 1960s, and 1990s), while tax cuts on the wealthy result in a boom-bust cycle that hurts the economy in the long term (1970s, 1980s and 2000s). This would provide revenue to partially offset the other tax cuts (reducing the impact on the national debt) and provide economic stimulus at the same time. For now, I'd raise the top tax rate to 39.6 percent--where it stood during the Clinton boom--and raise it further in a few years. The higher the taxes on the wealthy, the more likely they are to put revenue back into their businesses rather than taking it as profit. This increases the value of the businesses, reduces unemployment, and generally strengthens the economy.

The disadvantage that Obama has that FDR did not have is that the national debt before the economic bailouts is 70 percent of GDP--largely the result of profligate spending and tax-cutting by Republican administrations. So the caveat to the stimulus package is that someone needs to lend us the money. I expect the dollar to lose a lot of value over the next several years.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year; Good Riddance to the Old

I have to agree with Bob Herbert:

When Mr. Bush officially takes his leave in three weeks (in reality, he checked out long ago), most Americans will be content to sigh good riddance. I disagree. I don’t think he should be allowed to slip quietly out of town. There should be a great hue and cry — a loud, collective angry howl, demonstrations with signs and bullhorns and fiery speeches — over the damage he’s done to this country.

The corporate media and the Democratic congress have steadfastly refused to broach the subject of impeachment, and it appears that the appetite even for hearings has waned. What we need is a Truth and Reconciliation Commission with the power to send people to prison; what we will get is a country wounded by lies and deceit, with no one brought to account and no negative example set for the next politician that thinks that fascism is the way to go. It's really unfortunate.

This is the man who gave us the war in Iraq and Guantánamo and torture and rendition; who turned the Clinton economy and the budget surplus into fool’s gold; who dithered while New Orleans drowned; who trampled our civil liberties at home and ruined our reputation abroad; who let Dick Cheney run hog wild and thought Brownie was doing a heckuva job.

The Bush administration specialized in deceit. How else could you get the public (and a feckless Congress) to go along with an invasion of Iraq as an absolutely essential response to the Sept. 11 attacks, when Iraq had had nothing to do with the Sept. 11 attacks?

And the cost:

He then set the blaze that has continued to rage for nearly six years, consuming more than 4,000 American lives and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. . . . The financial cost to the U.S. will eventually reach $3 trillion or more, according to the Nobel laureate economist Joseph Stiglitz.. . .

Mr. Bush traveled the country in the early days of his presidency, promoting his tax cut plans as hugely beneficial to small-business people and families of modest means. This was more deceit. The tax cuts would go overwhelmingly to the very rich.

The president would give the wealthy and the powerful virtually everything they wanted. He would throw sand into the regulatory apparatus and help foster the most extreme income disparities since the years leading up to the Great Depression. Once again he was lighting a fire. This time the flames would engulf the economy and, as with Iraq, bring catastrophe.

It's good that the public has finally seen through this facade, but it wuld be much better if our society could muster up the courage to force some contrition.